Authors & Essays

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Strategist, Writer and Community Organizer Co-founder #BlackLivesMatter

The 21st century has ushered in vehement civic consciousness and engagement around the state of immigration and immigrant rights in the United States.

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Donald Cravins Jr.

Senior Vice President, Executive Director, National Urban League, Washington Bureau

Late last year, the National Urban League released a report entitled, “21st Century Innovations in Energy: An Equity Framework.” The report is not intended to serve as an environmental po

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Kristen Clarke

President & Executive Director Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

As the country remains focused on the ways in which Russia interfered with the integrity of the recent 2016 election, we must not forget to focus equal attention to the ongoing threat of voter suppression.  Voter suppression and ongoing voting discrimination stand as grav

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Tony Allen, Ph.D.

President and CEO Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League

I am a blessed Black man.  Against enormous odds with respect to my family background and prospects for economic mobility, I have received great opportunities in my life.

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Marc H. Morial


It is impossible to discuss the state of Black America in 2017 without addressing the shift of power and priorities in Washington. Recovery from the Great Recession has been slow, but it has been real.

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