2015 Report
The 2015 Equality Index of the National Urban League's "State of Black America" report, under the theme "Save Our Cities: Education, Jobs + Justice," offers an in-depth analysis of the critical issues confronting Black America. This introduction sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of the interconnectedness of education, employment, and justice in achieving racial equality. It highlights the significance of the Equality Index 2015, a key component of the report, which provides a quantitative analysis of the disparities between Black and White Americans across these sectors.
The summary underscores the urgency of addressing systemic challenges, including law enforcement accountability, voter rights, economic inequality, and educational gaps. It emphasizes the need for strategic policies and collaborative efforts to dismantle these barriers and foster a more equitable society. This introduction not only reflects on the state of Black America in 2015 but also serves as a call to action, advocating for sustained commitment to justice and equality.
Equality Index
As the National Urban League continues to press the case for closing the divide in economic opportunity, education, health, social justice and civic engagement, the 2015 National Urban League Equality Index™ is the eleventh edition of this critical quantitative tool for tracking Black–White racial equality in America and the sixth edition of the Hispanic–White Index.
This year’s Equality Index also includes the second installment of rankings of Black–White and Hispanic–White unemployment and income equality for about 70 metropolitan statistical areas (“metro areas” or “metros”) in America.1 New to the 2015 Equality Index is a special feature on state-level racial and ethnic disparities in K–12 education that documents the extent of Black–White and Hispanic–White achievement gaps in states across the country. The State Education Index also includes supporting data on some of the factors that contribute to narrowing or widening these gaps….
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