Authors & Essays

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Andrea L. Custis

President & Chief Executive Officer Urban League of Philadelphia

This is the story of a 17-year-old young man named Deonte and the life-altering potential of early mediation and mentorship to transform lives.

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Vivian Cox Frasier

President & CEO Urban League of Essex County

Quantum leaps in technology are creating a world even the most talented science fiction writers could not have envisioned.

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Esther L. Bush

President & Chief Executive Officer Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh

Homestead Borough, an underpopulated and chronically underserved community located near the city of Pittsburgh, has had its share of hard times.

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Darnell L. Williams

President and CEO the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts

Technology is one of the fastest growing industries in Massachusetts and its largest employer. Last year, the tech sector in Massachusetts added 9,400 jobs to the economy, but far too often a large swath of the population was excluded from these job opportunities.

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Martin Whittaker

CEO JUST Capital

Hernando Cortina

Director of Indexes & Analytics JUST Capital

One of the most pernicious ironies of the technology boom in America has been that despite its progressive ideals and socially-conscious intentions, not to mention the huge amounts of wealth it has created, the tech sector has underperformed when it comes to advancing the economic and social pros

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