Authors & Essays

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Dr. Wayne J. Riley

President State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn Downstate Medical Center

President Barack Obama unveiled a new frontier in medical care with the announcement of an unprecedented commitment of federal resources directed at improving health and effectively treating disease during his January 2014 State of the Union Address.

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Warren E. Logan, Jr.

President & CEO Urban League of Greater Chattanooga

Chattanooga, Tennessee’s fourth largest city, struggles with the same challenges other urban communities and public schools face across the nation—serious achievement gaps and inequities in education for minority and low-income students.

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Jil Littlejohn

President & Chief Executive Officer Urban League of the Upstate, Inc.

Who Runs The World? Urban Girls!

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Erin R. Houston, Ph.D.

President & Chief Executive Officer Shenango Valley Urban League

In the 21st century, it is common for households to have a computer, sometimes multiple computers. It is also likely that young boys and girls will formally learn how to use a computer during their elementary school years.

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Wade Henderson

Interim President ,Principal Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights & Leadership Conference Education Fund; Wade J. Henderson, LLC

Ashley Harrington

Federal Advocacy Director & Senior Policy Counsel Center for Responsible Lending

Once upon a time, higher education loans were valued as “good debt.” Today, these loans, once considered stepping stones on the path to the American Dream, are stripping wealth from individuals and communities and saddling many with a long-term financial obligation—and little prospect of repaymen

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