Author Profile
Janet Murguía has lived the promise of the American Dream and is a lifelong advocate for Hispanics.
Growing up in the Argentine district of Kansas City, Kansas, my family experienced the American Dream firsthand. My parents taught me the value of hard work and sacrifice and the importance of giving back, and these same values were evident everywhere in my community, in our contributions, and in our resilience. I was taught by their example, and it inspires and motivates me today to lead this great American institution, which creates opportunities and helps break down barriers for Latinos in this country.
Hispanic families have deep roots in this country, extending back in time for many generations, and our community continues to flourish and set down new roots.
With this in mind, we continue to focus on the issues and policies that matter to the Latino community across the country. We will continue to prioritize voter registration—UnidosUS (formerly National Council of La Raza) has registered more than 800,000 Hispanic voters in the last decade—as well as pressing issues in immigration, education, employment and the economy, and health care.
These are challenging times for many Latinos and others in our country. But there is no better time than now to harness our collective power to lead, unite, and empower ourselves to make change.
You have my commitment that UnidosUS will continue to fight alongside our community for a better future for all.

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