Authors & Essays

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Martin Whittaker

CEO JUST Capital

Hernando Cortina

Director of Indexes & Analytics JUST Capital

One of the most pernicious ironies of the technology boom in America has been that despite its progressive ideals and socially-conscious intentions, not to mention the huge amounts of wealth it has created, the tech sector has underperformed when it comes to advancing the economic and social pros

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Nnena Ukuku

Partner, Owner, Founder Venture Gained; Simplicity@Legal; Black Founders Start Up Community

In our never-ending quest to “secure the bag,” many of us may have contemplated owning the popular, media darling Bitcoin. But rather than collect these (bit)coins, it would better serve communities of color to own the technology that powers Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies.

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Valarie Shultz-Wilson

President & CEO Urban League of Southern Connecticut

For many low-income mothers timing out of welfare-to-work programs, they face a future where they do not possess the credentials and technological skills necessary to secure 21st century jobs. New collar jobs require an easy familiarity with high levels of automation.

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Spencer Overton

President The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

Today, we stand at the crossroads of opportunity. If we do nothing, automation and other technologies could displace Black workers and increase racial disparities.

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Karla Monterroso

Acting CEO Code2040

Allison Jones

Director of Marketing and Communication Code2040

At this stage in the “diversity in the workplace” conversation, the business case has been made.

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